No Meat in School

Cheryl Day

On May 1, the first day of Beef month, I read a fellow aggie’s social media post of a Wall State Journal’s Headline

As a mom, I shook my head
You see as a parent of two school-aged children, one in elementary and one in high school, I often have a love-hate relationship with the school’s menu.  I have never been impressed with the main dish item being breadsticks. Sure, I admit I have done the occasional breadstick-cheese combo for quick lunch, once in while, but not as a hard-core calculated planned menu for kids. 
However as an individual raising beef, I shook my head… counted to 10….. took a deep breath……waited a few days before writing this blog post......and tried to rationalize the school district’s decisions to erode away the child’s freedom to choose or threaten the health and performance of children-Especially in a public school setting where food served at the school may be the only real meal of the day.
Administrators of Public School 244 in Flushing section of Queens proudly claim switching to all vegetarian menu is providing a healthier option for their students. However, this mom knows that eliminating animal proteins will deprive students of essential nutrients for brain power and building lean muscles.
Protein makes up about 20 percent of the weight of the heart, muscles and liver. In addition, protein also counts for 10 percent of the brain. The quality of the protein is essential for a health. Every cell contains protein and it helps bond the body together in bones, ligaments, and tendons.  Enzymes and hormones, which play vital roles in keeping your body running smoothly, also contain protein. Your body cannot repair tissues or cells without protein. More importantly, eating enough proteins signals the body to retain and to make muscle.  Muscle burns more calories than fat.

Animal vs. Plant Protein

Here are the facts Plant Proteins are not equal to Animal Proteins.  There is no way a pro-vegetarian agenda can spin it. Animal sources contain greater amount of protein.  It takes a large amount of plant sources to equally substitute. 

Complete vs. Incomplete Protein

The only plant source protein that is considered "complete" by food scientists is soybean.  On the flip side lean meats, eggs, and dairy products are all labeled complete or high-quality protein. Please note that the actual grams of protein present in soybean are extremely low therefore for your calories intake Animal Protein provides more nutrients for fewer calories.

Bonus Factor

Animal protein sources are packed full of Vitamin B12 . Name one plant source that contains this important vitamin that is crucial for nerve and brain function
Wait for it…
         Wait for it…
There is NO plant source that naturally contain B12.  
Supporters of the P.S. 244 Adminstrators' decision to serve all vegetarian menu (including People for the Ethincal Treatment of Animals -PETA), applaud the school for making a healthy decisions on behalf of its studnets.
"We think this is a really exciting development," said Ryan Huling, who coordinates PETA's work with colleges that serve vegetarian fare. "The school should be commended for providing students with low-fat, nutrient-packed brain food."
Mr. Huling, let's review the information above which source Animal -or- Plant provide better Brain food?
In my opinion,  this school’s decision to adopt an all vegetarian menu will only contribute to poor academic performance, increase mind wandering due to hunger pains, and zap energy. If that was the school's goal then they made the right decision.
We live in the land of freedom. Where many have died to protect and preserve our right to choose.  As parent please do not make an important lifestyle change on behalf of my child based on false information. Just offer a variety of balanced, healthy food options -animal and plant source.  Teach the kids the true science behind the food they eat and give them confidence to select healthy items.
